G-XV8Y1BVSB0 About K2K9 LLC | Positive Dog Training in Whitmore Lake, MI
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About Us

Experienced trainers using science and kindness to create a training experience that works!

At K2K9, we help our pet clients and their human friends make the most of their friendship. We know that each dog is different, and we work with you and your pet to provide tailor-made guidance that creates long lasting change. Whether you have a new pet or already live with one, our comprehensive science-based training programs will help you and your dog live your best lives.  

 Contact us today and begin your training journey.

Our Team

Leave It to the Experts

Kathryn Gordon, M.S.W., KPA-CTP,

Kathryn Gordon, MSW, KPA-CTP, CCPDT-KA, having fun with her two working dogs

Kathryn Gordon, M.S.W., KPA-CTP, CPDT-KA has enjoyed training dogs since childhood.  She has titled in Obedience, qualifying for both the Nationals and the Regionals, but she has focused on handling search and rescue (SAR) dogs, primarily in the area of human remains detection (HRD), nationally certifying multiple dogs in land cadaver and crime scene detection.  Kathryn and her dogs have deployed on various cases in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Indiana.  She stays current on research related to scent detection and canine behavior and training.


Since her social work days, Kathryn has enjoyed helping people learn new skills, so teaching people dog training is a great fit. She has taught weekly puppy and basic manners classes, as well as scent detection classes, since 2012—developing one of the first and most successful nose work programs in Michigan before moving to the Ann Arbor area. Kathryn’s students have had success at shows, winning many titles and awards. Over the past few years, Kathryn has been invited to give multiple full- and half-day seminars on scent detection and canine olfaction in Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida.

Kathryn loves working with dogs and their people on behaviors that are creating difficulties in the human-animal relationship.  She has successfully completed Dr. Susan Friedman's Living and Learning with Animals course and has completed the Aggressive Dog Master course with Michael Shikashio.   She offers private lessons and behavior consults upon request. She has a special interest in behavior cases involving reactivity, aggression, and fear.  She is also a certified AKC CGC and trick evaluator.


Kathryn currently partners with a Border Collie named Ffion in human remains detection and agility.  Angus, her former SAR dog is retired from work, but they are pursuing a new adventure, along with Ffion--learning Freestyle!

Aggression in Dogs Certificate of Completion
Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers
Animal Emotions Certificate of Completion

Our Instructors

Hanna & Adrienne
Hanna Gould, K2K9 LLC
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Hanna Gould, KPA-CTP, CTDI, CCFC

I've always been passionate about animals, but my true love for dog training began when I got my fearful rescue dog, Roarie about 8 years ago. Working with her I have learned a lot, not only about dogs, but about myself as well. 

Below are my accomplishments and certifications :

  • Karen Pryor Certified Training Partner

  •  250 + hours assisting in group classes

  • DMWYD Certified Trick Dog Instructor

  • DMWYD Certified Canine  Fitness Coach

  • Karen Pryor academy Foundations course

  • Karen Pryor academy Puppy Foundations course for Instructors

  • AKC Canine Good Citizen evaluator

  • AKC STAR puppy evaluator

  • Dog walking and sitting experience

Yoko Ichikawa, K2K9 LLC

Yoko Ichikawa, CPMP, CCFC

Yoko Ichikawa has been passionate in canine musical freestyle with her current 4-legged partner, Kei the Bichon Frise, since 2010. They have received numerous first places and special awards in competitions, including multiple High Technical Merit and Artistic Impression Awards, High Scoring Freestyle/In-Sync Awards and many other awards given to the highest scoring team. In 2016, they earned their Perfect Dance Partner title, the highest title in the World Canine Freestyle Organization (WCFO). They also earned their Veteran Grand Champion title in Rally Freestyle Elements (RFE) in 2019. Kei is the first Bichon that has finished these highest titles in freestyle. Yoko was honored to be a nominee for one of RFE’s annual special awards, the Storyteller Award in Honor of Michele Pouliot for the years of 2019 and 2020, reflecting her peer’s recognition for her excellence in musical interpretation and choreography through her storytelling or theme-based routines.


Yoko and Kei also enjoy competing in Rally-FrEe in REF and finished their Grand Champion title in 2019. They have been awarded many first places and Rally-FrEe Top HAT (High Scoring Heelwork Attention Teamwork) Awards. They are one of the very few teams that have earned their titles with the distinction of Magna Cum Laude, which is given to the teams that earned a title with the average score of 190 or higher out of 200, not just once but multiple times.


Kei is also known as an excellent trick dog, and he is the first Bichon that has earned the Trick Dog Champion title in Do More With Your Dog (DMWYD).

Yoko has also competed with Kei in obedience, rally, agility and nosework in the past.


Yoko has taught classes, private lessons and workshops in musical freestyle, Rally-FrEe and tricks since 2016. She pays close attention to unique strengths and needs that each of her students and their dogs has, and helps them continue to progress based on positive training methods. She loves to share with her students her knowledge and experiences not only in technical aspects of each dog sport, but also in mental/psychological foundations toward excellent performances in general. She especially focuses on how to build dog’s positive attitudes and joyfulness when the handler and the dog are working as a team. Her goal is to help her students have the happiest dog in training and competition.


In addition, she has enjoyed her life with dogs as a certified dog massage/reiki practitioner since 2010, as well as a DMWYD’s certified Canine Conditioning Fitness Coach (CCFC), to help the dogs of her clients and students stay healthy and perform safely and comfortably.

Adrienne Wisok, MS, CVT, KPA-CTP

Adrienne, was born and raised in metro Detroit.  By 2000, Adrienne had worked as a veterinary assistant and attended the University of Michigan in a biochemistry undergraduate program, she had always wanted to be a veterinarian.  On a whim, she moved to Portland, Oregon.  In Portland, she started working for Dove Lewis Emergency Animal Hospital and sat for her national vet tech exam, becoming a certified veterinary technician (CVT). Adrienne realized that she could do as a technician everything that she had hoped to do as a veterinarian, from advocating for patients to comforting family members--and without a gazillion dollars in student loans.  She also joined her first search and rescue team, Search One K9, as a wilderness air scent search and rescue as a dog handler, a move that would change the trajectory of her life.  She fell in love with the partnership that developed between her and her dog. Watching her dog learn to love search and feel joy in finding people and the wonderful games that ensued afterward was chicken soup for her soul. The working dog bond is powerful, but it was difficult for her to watch trainers using harsh, coercive methods. Adrienne knew there had to be a better way, not just for her and her dog, but for all the other working dogs and handlers.
Adrienne found what she was looking for by reading, watching other trainers, and completing the Karen Pryor Academy's trainer program.  A way to teach dogs anything and have it be fun for everyone, a way to see past the snarling, barking, lunging dog and find the sweet and scared soul beneath.

Adrienne has also completed a master's degree in service dog training from Bergin University and worked as a guide dog mobility instructor for Leader Dogs for the Blind.  After graduation, Adrienne was the interim Dean for Bergin University, where she learned to love teaching other trainers. While completing her master's degree, Adrienne became friends with David, a team lead from the Mexico City UNAM search and rescue team, and now her husband. She also became close friends with Rob Hewings, who went on to form the UK College of Scent Dogs. Adrienne was lucky enough to present on search and rescue at the first UKCSD conference.
Adrienne now loves taking the skills, methods, and tricks she learned from all of those working and service dog training programs and bringing them to bear upon our furry house companions. She continues to find joy in creating happy teams, increasing compassion towards dogs, and being a crazy cat lady with only one cat. 

Rebecca Bastien, K2K9 LLC

Rebecca Bastien, CCTBS, CPDT-KA

Rebecca is an experienced dog care professional with a passion for canine behavior and body language and with expertise in dog walking, dog sitting, shelter work, and doggy daycare.


Since Rebecca started working with her rescued Doberman mix, Nirvana, with great success to address her fear reactivity, Rebecca has developed an interest in leash reactivity.  Although her personal journey is nearing its end, Nirvana has made significant progress under Rebecca's guidance and patient approach, and is more confident and relaxed in a variety of situations, Rebecca continues her learning on the topic, assisting with reactive dog classes and cases, rapidly gaining expertise in the area.


In the future, Rebecca hopes to continue working with Nirvana on scent work and agility training, allowing Nirvy to reach her full potential as a well-rounded and accomplished canine companion and Rebecca to learn more about sport dog training.


Rebecca holds an Associate's degree in Small Business and Entrepreneurship.  Her commitment to the well being of the dogs under her care, informs her practice, making her a welcome addition to our team.


K2K9 is now owned and operated by OnScent L.L.C.

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